St Mary’s Church, Billingshurst

Sunday 23 February 2014

Electoral Roll and APCM

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will this year be held in church at 11am on Sunday 6 April 2014. There will be one morning service that day at 10am.

Nomination forms for Churchwarden, Deanery Synod and Parochial Church Council (PCC) vacancies are available at the back of church or from the church office.The Electoral Roll, the official membership list of the church, is currently being revised. Only those on the Electoral Roll can nominate and vote at the APCM.

If you are a regular member of St Mary's and you would like to be on the Electoral Roll, please collect a form from under the tower or the church office. Forms need to be returned to the church office by Friday 14 March.